
With LIFT, veteran returns to Detroit stronger than ever
Kienya and Kathy Rudolph dreamed of becoming homeowners, and Detroit HomeLIFT provided them the chance.
Bridging the gap
When Regions Bank decided to close its branches in several remote, poverty-stricken Mississippi Delta towns, it turned to Hope Enterprise to make sure the residents had access to the financial services they need.
Community Loan Center: Small dollar loan program
The need for access to fast, emergency cash is real for many Americans. But it too often leads to trouble when residents resort to payday loans they can’t afford. In Brownsville, Texas, several organizations and businesses came together to offer an affordable form of small-dollar loan.
Loan Modification Scam Alert team tours Los Angeles
Our staff, partners and network member Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County toured three Los Angeles neighborhoods in order to inform residents about loan modification and foreclosure prevention scams that can cost unsuspecting homeowners thousands of lost dollars — and in some cases, their homes.
Community Housing Trust: Keeping homes forever affordable
Community Land Trusts are not-for-profit corporations that acquire homes or vacant land for the benefit of the community, helping provide access to affordable housing for local low- and moderate-income residents.
Water tanks deployed to relieve drought in California
When a well runs dry, it affects every aspect of these families’ daily lives — including drinking, cooking, sanitation and personal hygiene. NeighborWorks member Self-Help Enterprises quickly recognized the crisis required immediate attention.
Building better community in a day at the fair
A community-impact survey that showed low resident engagement led to the plan for an innovation fair, which allows individiuals and nonprofits to propose their own ideas for improving the neighborhood.
Peer-to-peer exchange one of the best ways to learn
Nonprofits can learn from each other, and NeighborWorks America facilitates the process through its Peer-to-Peer Visit Grant.
Giving residents a voice door by door in Idaho
Resident surveys carried out by NeighborWorks Pocatello in its Old Town neighborhood successfully strengthened the organization’s community engagement efforts.
For youth who attend this program, ‘money rocks’
When it comes money, budgeting and planning ahead, it's never too early to start learning. Money Rocks in South Carolina begins in the schools.

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