
The Tropical Foods Project: Making access to healthy food a reality
In many minority communities, access to healthy foods can be a challenge. Residents are sometimes forced to forgo healthy options due to cost and convenience. Network member Madison Park Development Corp. worked with its community to renovate a 50-year-old grocery store into a supermarket.
'Unlikely' partnerships bring unexpected benefits
Coachella Valley Housing Coalition has discovered that partnering with “unlikely bedfellows” has multiple benefits for residents.
'Unlikely' partnerships bring unexpected benefits
Coachella Valley Housing Coalition has discovered that partnering with “unlikely bedfellows” has multiple benefits for residents.
Event brings home message that ‘race matters’
When youth and other community residents feel confused and disenfranchised by racial strife and cultural debates, how can you bring them together? In Utah, a unique forum has emerged: Race Matters.
Build pride among youth by celebrating the past
How do you engage youth in their communities, building character by connecting them to their area’s “roots”? It’s a challenge faced by all neighborhoods, and the Troy Rehabilitation & Improvement Progam has found a successful way to do it by partnering with two other community “anchors.”
Operation Renovation: Helping veterans save their homes
Homelessness is a critical problem for many former service members. Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Berks brough together a coalition of nonprofits, government agencies and volunteers to provide help for veteran homeowners in need. 
Deeqo Jibril: bridging divides
A refugee from Somalia who fled during the country's civil war, Deeqo Jibril helps fellow "transplants" integrate while celebrating their culture--as well as works with local police to help them relate to her community.
Don Feist: Standing up until it gets done
When the manufactured-home community in which Don Feist lived was rapidly sliding into disrepair, Don Feist took the lead to enable resident ownership and lead its rehabilitation.
Erika Cooper: Committing ‘full out'
Erika Cooper has weathered more adversity than most of us can even begin to imagine--ranging from the murder of her brother to breast cancer. But she has committed herself to improving the quality of life for children in her impoverished neighborhood.
Manfred Reid: Rising up like a human phoenix
In Greek mythology, a phoenix is a bird that dies in a “show of flames and combustion,” then arises from the ashes to live anew. And Manfred Reid of Louisville, Kentucky, is a modern-day, human phoenix.

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