One-Week Certifications

Efficiently build your professional skill set, with limited time and budget. 

Neighborworks-image-234The one-week certifications offered by NeighborWorks give you an ideal way to build competency in a specific subject, and earn a certificate that will enhance your career credentials.

These certifications can typically be applied toward our more comprehensive professional certificate program, which will significantly improve your professional standing. 

Once you have completed all of the requirements for the one-week certificate of interest, please e-mail us at [email protected]. We will confirm completion and send your certificate.

We offer certifications in these content areas:

Affordable Housing
Community Economic Development
Community Engagement
Construction and Rehab
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
NeighborWorks Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling (NCHEC)


Affordable Housing

Fundamentals of Affordable Housing Development

The Fundamentals of Affordable Housing Development one-week certification will introduce the overall issues and requirements of affordable housing development. Participants will learn the basic financial terms, principles of real estate finance, and details on the complexities of financing rental housing. These three courses are also required to earn an Affordable Housing Professional Certificate.
The certification is recommended for executive directors, staff who are starting work in real estate development or want a basic understanding of it, including property and asset managers, social service staff, organizational finance staff and CFOs, and board members.


Federal Financing for Affordable Housing Development

The Federal Financing for Affordable Housing Development one-week certification will provide a broad understanding of federal financing resources, available nationwide, that are administered by state agencies and, in the case of HOME and CDBG, also by many local jurisdictions. 

The certification is recommended for those working in real estate development, organizational finance staff who may need to track and monitor use of federal financing programs, and others who want a more in-depth understanding of the opportunities and requirements of federal financial for affordable housing. 

Choose five days: 

If you have questions, call 800-438-5547 or email [email protected].

Community Economic Development

NeighborWorks America offers three, one-week certifications in the Community Economic Development training area. One week certifications are offered in:

Community Economic Development Foundations

Microenterprise Development

The issuance of a certificate for a particular course documents full attendance and participation. Course certificates are handed out at the end of each NTI course offering or mailed to PBT participants.

The certification is awarded after completing the following five days of courses and passing the accompanying tests with a minimum score of 80 percent.

 If you have questions, call 800-438-5547 or email [email protected].

Community Engagement

Resident Leadership Training Certification

Advancing community development objectives is an ongoing challenge. A proven strategy for success is equipping neighborhood residents with the skills necessary to take the initiative and lead. The Resident Leadership Development Training certification helps you meet that challenge. The certification will provide you with the tools to organize and run effective leadership development training programs.
The resident leadership certification is awarded after completing the following five days of courses and passing the accompanying tests with a minimum score of 80 percent.
 If you have questions, call 800-438-5547 or email [email protected].

Construction and Rehab

Do want to know more about affordable housing design and construction? Do you want to better understand what your construction team members mean when they talk about a “balloon-framed” house or use of a “rainscreen”? Do you ask yourself what all the talk is about regarding building science and the house as a "system"? Or, do you want to be more familiar with the best in green and sustainable building practices? The one-week certifications in construction basics and management will provide the answers to those questions and more. One-week certifications are awarded when you complete the required courses and pass the accompanying tests with a minimum score of 80 percent.

Construction Basics

Construction Management

Housing Inspections

 If you have questions, call 800-438-5547 or email [email protected].

Nonprofit Management and Leadership

NeighborWorks offers five abbreviated certifications in management and leadership. One-week certifications are awarded when you complete the required courses amd pass the accompanying tests with a minimum score of 80 percent.


Disaster Preparation and Response

Financial Management

Marketing and Branding

​Resource Development

If you have questions, call 800-438-5547 or email [email protected].

NeighborWorks Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling (NCHEC)

NCHEC certifications help you fulfill the needs of aspiring and existing homeowners, as well as demonstrate your commitment to excellence in the field.

NCHEC offers six certifications for homeownership practitioners that satisfy the requirements of the National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling. After you complete the required training and pass the accompanying tests with a minimum score of 80 percent, download the application for NCHEC certification. Return the completed and signed application to NCHEC.
  • Pre-Purchase Homeownership Education
  • Post-Purchase Homeownership Education
  • Homeownership Counseling
  • Foreclosure Intervention and Default Counseling
  • Homeownership Counseling for Program Managers and Executive Directors
  • Financial Capability
Learn more about the NCHEC certifications. If you have questions, call 800-438-5547 or email [email protected].