Publications & Research

Sam LaTronica, candidate in Urban Planning at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, presented innovative case studies in affordable single-family home construction, including goals, positive outcomes, and lessons learned.

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There is no question that eviction is bad news for renters. Forced moves put individuals and families at risk in so many ways: They have a more difficult time being accepted as tenants elsewhere; they frequently are disconnected from social-support networks, health care providers, employment and schools; and the stress takes a psychological toll of its own. For property owners and managers, turnover means additional expense for legal procedures, recruitment of new tenants and apartment make-ready. But in the nonprofit, mission-oriented world, it's not just about money; it's also about addressing the underlying challenges that drive nonpayment of rent to begin with. The question is what (resident) services are most successful as well as cost efficient. This is the issue this study set out to explore.

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Now housing developers must change their approach to marketing and selling in order to expect good results.NeighborWorks America's Stable Communities Initiative created this guide to:
Assist you in developing a marketing and sales plan for your homes
Help you train and manage your development and sales team
Share templates, examples and resources to aid quick implementation of your plan

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