
The 'Reel' Story: A lesson in new economic development practices
The southern Oregon fishing industry was struggling as it faced global competition, with its seafood often sold to corporate buyers for export instead of to local residents. As a result, access to fresh seafood was limited.
Home and equity restoration post Hurricane Sandy
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, many victims had to move to rental units and face significant financial hardships. Affordable Housing Alliance was determined to address the extensive Hurricane Sandy-related needs of the community.
Unlikely partners, collective impact
Issues with health and housing were particularly prevalent for CPLC’s client base. While some families were forced to choose between medical treatment and rent payments, others had to forgo rent to pay for food. To improve the health of vulnerable families, CPLC sought a partnership with UnitedHealthcare Community and State that would merge affordable housing and healthcare service.  
Paint Your Heart Out: Giving a home and a life a lift
The paint on Roylene Lunt’s Provo, Utah home was peeling and the rafters were in need of repairs. NeighborWorks Provo stepped in with its annual Paint Your Heart Out event.
MonteVerdeRowe: breathing new life into a city block
Baltimore’s Park Heights neighborhood has been home for generations of families. But the community of row houses, parks and churches experienced decades of decay. One particular block of abandoned crumbling homes seemed the perfect place to launch revitalization efforts.
Health and housing: A vital collaboration
Illness and injury are often the result of household hazards that can be addressed through basic repairs. Though Westside Housing had the skills and resources necessary to complete quality home repairs, it lacked the know-how and funding to pursue a healthy homes strategy.
Affordable housing developer hosts volunteer leadership summit
Community Preservation and Development Corp. develops residents as effective, active community volunteers.
Filling the funding gap for homeowners in rural Montana
Montana has one of the highest rural population rates in the country, with about half of the residents living at or below the median income. NeighborWorks Montana needed a way to provide affordable housing solutions to its rural communities. 
Renewable energy: Helping keep affordable housing affordable
With rent already straining many family budgets in rural New Hampshire, Laconia Area Community Land Trust sought to make energy efficiency part of its affordable housing developments. 
The superblock model: Reclaiming neighborhoods from the inside out
In Chicago's West Humboldt Park, the 500 block of North Central Park was considered one of the severest areas of blight in the neighborhood. This block had historically high vacancies, lack of private investment and a high crime rate, making it difficult to attract potential homeowners.

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