Indiana's Lacasa Inc. is holding its traditional "Master Your Money” class in a new location: The Elkhart County Jail. Previously, local bankers led the classes for inmates. But as banks became short-staffed during the pandemic, opportunities dwindled. Lacasa, a NeighborWorks network organization working to create opportunities for personal empowerment,  jumped to fill in the gap. 

Indiana's Lacasa Inc. is holding its traditional "Master Your Money” class in a new location: The Elkhart County Jail. Previously, local bankers led the classes for inmates. But as banks became short-staffed during the pandemic, opportunities dwindled. Lacasa, a NeighborWorks network organization working to create opportunities for personal empowerment,  jumped to fill in the gap. 

A national housing counseling program designed and administered by NeighborWorks America is working to make an impact. The Housing Stability Counseling Program (HSCP) was designed to support families and individuals who are facing foreclosure, eviction or homelessness as a result of pandemic-related economic fallout. NeighborWorks America was charged with implementing the $100 million program as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. 

A national housing counseling program designed and administered by NeighborWorks America is working to make an impact. The Housing Stability Counseling Program (HSCP) was designed to support families and individuals who are facing foreclosure, eviction or homelessness as a result of pandemic-related economic fallout. NeighborWorks America was charged with implementing the $100 million program as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. 

Chinatown's alleyways in San Francisco are a link to its history and Chinatown CDC's youth participants knows this. They've provided tours and connected to that rich history for decades. "It started in 2001 as a neighborhood advocacy project," shares Veronica Seng, community organizer. "The alleyways in this neighborhood were not very clean or safe. The kids graded the alleyways and brought it to the city's attention."