No matter the time of year or the area of the country, when disasters strike, lives are transformed. Every disaster is uniquely painful to the people it displaces. Hurricanes don't have much in common with wildfires; earthquakes don't resemble floods. But all disasters, natural and manmade, destroy homes and livelihoods. Another commonality: cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all approaches don't work to cope with them.

San Francisco’s Chinatown faces a number of challenges, stemming back to its origins: Chinese immigrants to the city were often limited to living in the neighborhood due to discriminatory policies and practices, reinforced by a natural desire to seek out supportive environments. Over time, a strong sense of community developed. Today, however, residents face a constant threat of eviction and displacement due to San Francisco’s hot real estate market.

J'Tanya Adams: Doing what it takes

J’Tanya Adams will do whatever it takes to get things done. After founding a nonprofit dedicated to promoting the economic development of her historic neighborhood, Adams went even further and ran for the Charlotte, North Carolina, city council. Although she lost, it was by a razor-thin margin of 21 votes—the closest race in the town’s history.