NeighborWorks America's Shared Equity Initiative offers resources and insights for community-based organizations working to implement shared equity on the ground. NeighborWorks is dedicated to a people-based, place-based and asset-based approach; no single pathway is going to work for every organization. Our resources illuminate the options that are available to every organization to be an implementer or a partner for shared equity housing. 

NeighborWorks America's Shared Equity Initiative offers resources and insights for community-based organizations working to implement shared equity on the ground. NeighborWorks is dedicated to a people-based, place-based and asset-based approach; no single pathway is going to work for every organization. Our resources illuminate the options that are available to every organization to be an implementer or a partner for shared equity housing. 

Shared equity housing is an important resource for tackling the affordability crisis across the United States and Puerto Rico. As home prices have skyrocketed to more than five times the median household income, standard approaches to affordable homeownership serve a dwindling number of families, because limited subsidy dollars must be spread across fewer households. Shared equity housing can assist by establishing lasting affordability that serves multiple families over time.

Shared equity housing is an important resource for tackling the affordability crisis across the United States and Puerto Rico. As home prices have skyrocketed to more than five times the median household income, standard approaches to affordable homeownership serve a dwindling number of families, because limited subsidy dollars must be spread across fewer households. Shared equity housing can assist by establishing lasting affordability that serves multiple families over time.

Dwelling Place has taken a variety of approaches to increase the availability of affordable homes in West Michigan over the years, most recently in shared equity housing development. The NeighborWorks network organization has a new 42-unit single-family community land trust in the works, as well as a townhome development in partnership with The Habitat Company in Chicago. The organization is also working to convert 45 existing rental homes into shared equity condominiums.

Through training, grants, research, learning cohorts and more, NeighborWorks America makes a difference in communities across the nation, in partnership with nearly 250 network organizations who do the "work on the ground." As 2022 draws to a close, some of NeighborWorks' senior leaders share what they see as the biggest impacts in 2022.  

Paul Singh, vice president of Community Initiatives 

Through training, grants, research, learning cohorts and more, NeighborWorks America makes a difference in communities across the nation, in partnership with nearly 250 network organizations who do the "work on the ground." As 2022 draws to a close, some of NeighborWorks' senior leaders share what they see as the biggest impacts in 2022.  

Paul Singh, vice president of Community Initiatives 

In Vermont, the stereotype you hear about independence and self-sufficiency often holds true, says Dawn Cross, HomeOwnership Center director and the sole housing counselor at Rural Edge. As a result, the people who walk through her door needing housing help often wait until they've exhausted every possible resource. "They go into credit card debt. They empty their savings. And when people come knocking on the door to shut off the lights or take the house away, that's when they finally look for help." 

In Vermont, the stereotype you hear about independence and self-sufficiency often holds true, says Dawn Cross, HomeOwnership Center director and the sole housing counselor at Rural Edge. As a result, the people who walk through her door needing housing help often wait until they've exhausted every possible resource. "They go into credit card debt. They empty their savings. And when people come knocking on the door to shut off the lights or take the house away, that's when they finally look for help."