In places rural and urban and with activities that ranged from beautification and barbecues, education and engagement -- that's how NeighborWorks network organizations across the country celebrated NeighborWorks Week. They celebrated with service and spotlighted the people at the center of it all: the neighbors who make up the neighborhoods. Find just a few pictures below.

The line of faculty members snaked around the meeting room at the NeighborWorks Training Institute in Chicago in August 2023. The task was to line up according to who had been a part of NeighborWorks America's premiere, professional training the longest. Peg Barringer, an economic development practitioner, and Ethan Pope, a community development professional who has taught courses on subjects from financial fitness for counselors to homebuyer education methods, stood together at the head of the line. 

NeighborWorks America staff joined policy leaders from Enterprise Community Partners to visit properties near Washington, D.C., a way to foster understanding of the different challenges — and achievements — of affordable housing and community development organizations.