During world wars, they were called "victory gardens," planted by families to help keep food on the table – and prevent food shortages. With grocery store shelves empty and families told to shelter in place during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are returning to gardening and to the name.

At their core, nonprofits are set up to help people. But in times like this, the need for help can be overwhelming. Here’s how two NeighborWorks organizations are working to meet the needs of their communities and the needs of their staffs.

As they check to make sure their residents are safe, NeighborWorks network organizations are finding other, concrete ways to deal with issues that accompany social distancing and economic well-being in the wake of the COVID-19 virus. In Maine, Avesta Housing is looking at ways to keep senior citizens connected, while in New York, Asian Americans for Equality Inc. (AAFE), is moving quickly to help businesses harmed by racism and xenophobia. 

Communal gardens have become a fixture of neighborhood revitalization and community-building programs. Whether it be individual plots in one garden or one big lot that residents cultivate together, there is a growing escalation of a phenomenon with deep roots in American history, culture—and psyche.