Housing and Community Development Training Resources and Opportunities for Indigenous Communities


Housing and Community Development Training Resources and Opportunities for Indigenous Communities

Author(s)/Creator(s): Seven Sisters Community Development Group & NeighborWorks America

As part of our Native Commitment to leverage NeighborWorks America's expertise and strengths to support practitioners and partner organizations in the Native community development field, we offer this scan as an industry tool to bring to light opportunities and areas for consideration in the Native housing and community development training industry. 

This scan of training and certification programs identifies key Native and Native-serving training organizations and course offerings. NeighborWorks America plans to use these findings to explore potential strategies for our future contributions to the field, but we also hope these findings will foster partnerships and collaborations that could catalyze the development of even more innovative community development training for Indigenous
communities. This could include identifying potential collaborators to work in conjunction with NeighborWorks’ Native American Community Development training track.

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