Community Development and Early Childhood: Partnering for Better Outcomes


Community Development and Early Childhood: Partnering for Better Outcomes

Author(s)/Creator(s): NeighborWorks America and the Center for the Study of Social Policy

A growing body of research provides evidence that the places where children live, learn and play have a significant impact on their health and development. Positive neighborhood factors – like safe and affordable housing, accessible public transportation, safe places to play, and good employment opportunities for parents – can have a positive impact on early childhood development, setting children up for success in learning and in life. On the other hand, a number of neighborhood factors can undermine healthy early childhood development, including exposure to high rates of violence or environmental hazards, unsafe housing, inadequate access to grocery stores, and a lack of economic opportunity for parents and caregivers.

Improving neighborhood conditions is therefore a critical strategy for improving child well-being, and particularly for eliminating racial disparities in school readiness, child health, and other critical outcomes. NeighborWorks America and the Center for the Study of Social Policy share lessons learned and recommendations gathered following a year-long exploration of ways to deepen local partnerships and improve child development outcomes through community development strategies. 

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