Sheila Maith

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Sheila F. Maith is a consultant and executive coach working with small- to medium-sized companies, with a focus on mission-driven organizations. She previously served as Advisor and prior to that Assistant Director and Community Affairs Officer for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. In that capacity she oversaw the community affairs function housed in the Board’s Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, including outreach efforts to promote increased access to capital and credit in underserved markets. Prior to joining the Board of Governors, Maith served the Fannie Mae Foundation as Managing Director of Policy and Leadership Development. Before joining the Fannie Mae Foundation, Maith served on Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s staff as senior counsel and, before that, as program director at the Enterprise Community Partners. She began her career as special assistant to the Director of the Boston Redevelopment Authority and as an associate at Hill & Barlow. A native of Baltimore, Maryland, she graduated from Harvard Law School cum laude and the Kennedy School of Government in 1987. She received her undergraduate degree in public policy from Duke University magna cum laude in 1983.