Robert Sheehan


Robert Sheehan, Jr., PhD, joined the NeighborWorks Training Institute in 2001. He brings to NeighborWorks 25 years of nonprofit management experience, including 18 years as chief executive officer of two national nonprofits, LeaderShape, Inc., (1981-1990) which provides ethics-based leadership programs to young adults nationwide, and Alpha Sigma Phi Educational Foundation, (1992-2001).

As principal of Sheehan Nonprofit Consulting, College Park, Maryland, he provides strategic planning, management and leadership development to nonprofits. He is also an executive education senior fellow at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland-College Park, where he serves on the Faculty of Management and Organization. Sheehan also has a distinguished record as a fundraiser. He has been a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals since 1986—the same year he first earned the association's Certified Fund Raising Executive designation. He regularly presents academic papers and has been published in leading nonprofit research journals, including Nonprofit & Management Leadership and Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Sheehan holds a master’s degree and PhD from Ohio State University where he directed The Excellence in Philanthropy research project, which became the basis for his dissertation on organization effectiveness. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Westminster College, Pennsylvania.