Rebecca Solomon

Rebecca Solomon is the Training Manager overseeing the Affordable Housing portfolio of courses. These courses cover development and financing for real estate development projects and programs including REO. Prior to coming to NeighborWorks Rebecca was the Housing Development Coordinator for The Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter in New York City. She has over 20 years of experience developing affordable and special needs housing as a Technical Consultant to non-profit organizations. Her services ran the entire gamut of the development process from organizational development through selecting and managing the development team to project management. She has successfully developed over 500 units and accessed over $25,000,000 in public funding for their development. As Principal of Solomon Development in Seattle, WA, she was the housing consultant to the Washington State Mental Health Division and provided technical assistance to mental health and social service agencies throughout urban and rural Washington. She takes great pride in her training and technical assistance skills and ability to make complex programs understandable, empowering CDCs and service providers with encouragement and knowledge. Ms. Solomon obtained her Bachelors Degree in Scandinavian Studies from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.