Protip Biswas


Protip Biswas is the Executive director for the Regional Commission of Homelessness in Atlanta and is on the staff of United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta. In his current position, he ensures the coordination and implementation of the strategies identified in the Blueprint to end homelessness. The Regional Commission on Homelessness (RCOH) has been the catalyst in creating over 2000 units of supportive housing, creating 1200 jobs for homeless persons, reunified over 12,000 persons and raising over $50 million for homeless projects. The RCOH has engaged 7 counties in the region to take on projects for homeless persons.

He is also the Vice President for Opportunity Zones for the United Way and provides leadership to United Way’s place based initiatives. This is a new area of work for the organization.

Prior to his current position he has been active in the field of community development, affordable housing, community building and economic development. He has worked with organizations in neighborhoods in Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. He has also worked for Enterprise foundation, a national intermediary in affordable housing.

He continues to be active in the community development field through his service on the boards of several community development corporations in Atlanta. He has a masters degree in architecture from University of Cincinnati and another in construction management from SPA, Delhi, India. He also completed his coursework for his doctoral studies in Urban Planning at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. His research interest includes affordable housing finance, community economic development and social capital.