Peg Barringer

Peg Barringer directs economic development consulting at FinePoint Associates, a Massachusetts-based consulting firm with clients throughout the United States. She has expertise in research, feasibility analysis, program design, planning, implementation and evaluation. She has conducted economic and financial analysis, market research, training and other services for government agencies, financial institutions, nonprofits, social enterprises and real estate developers in over 200 communities. She often assists public and nonprofit clients to analyze their community economies and develop new strategies or evaluate and improve current programs. For more than 25 years, she has consulted on a wide range of project types including many downtown and neighborhood business district revitalization programs, microenterprise and small business development, commercial real estate development, creative economy initiatives and a large array of customized market research and economic analysis impact projects. Barringer has been on the faculty at Tufts University in the Graduate Department of Urban Policy and Planning since 1991 and has provided multiple trainings for national, state and local economic development organizations.