Nancy Eldridge

Nancy Eldridge is a nationally recognized expert with 37 years of leadership experience in housing and health policy, with a special focus on elderly, low-income populations. She is currently CEO of the National Well Home Network, which is dedicated to implementing practical, scalable and sustainable solutions for aging-in-place.

As CEO of Cathedral Square Corporation, Eldridge created the Support And Services at Home (SASH) model, a system of care integrating medical homes, hospitals, and community-based service organizations with housing at 140 affordable housing communities in Vermont. SASH has proven to reduce costs, increase access and improve health. At the University of Vermont’s College of Medicine and the Vermont Medical Society, Eldridge led complex policy changes in partnership with the medical community, Medicaid, Medicare, advocacy organizations and academia. Eldridge is a Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Vermont board member, and serves on their Health Policy Committee. She is an alumnus of the NeighborWorks America/Kennedy School of Government Achieving Excellence program at Harvard University, and holds a master’s degree in urban and environmental policy from Tufts University.