May Louie

May Louie joined DSNI in 1994 to manage its participation in Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Rebuilding Communities Initiative. She is currently Director of Leadership and Capacity Building. Her responsibilities include civic engagement; neighborhood governance through DSNI’s community-elected Board of Directors; Thrive in Five; and the Resident Development Institute (RDI) which umbrellas DSNI’s learning, leadership development, consulting, and policy efforts. She recently became Project Coordinator for DSNI’s Boston Promise Initiative, one of the grantees for the US Department of Education’s Promise Neighborhoods Initiative. Louie has authored articles on DSNI’s change strategies. DSNI is known for its resident-led collaborative efforts to transform a devastated area into an urban village. Dudley remains the only community granted eminent domain to acquire vacant land.

Louie serves on the National Community Land Trust Academy Advisory Board. She has an MPP from Tufts University’s Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning program. She is an Alston-Bannerman Fellow, currently serving on its selection committee. As a long-time social justice organizer, May has her roots in the Asian American movement as well as multi-racial electoral coalitions.