Madison Thompson

Madison “Matt” Thompson has worked for more than three decades in the areas of negotiation, conflict resolution, and cultural competency. He has worked with large, regional banking institutions, higher education institutions, and major teaching hospitals as well local banks and community non-profit agencies. Matt has served as Vice-President of Diversity for two major regional banks and worked for 22 years in the health care industry as a direct care provider, trainer and senior human resources administrator. A 1974 graduate of the Northeastern University, Matt has sixteen years’ experience as a health care provider coupled with ten years in the military health care system. He has worked with such diverse client groups as the Florida Department of Health, Nova Southeastern University, The Massachusetts Office of Dispute Resolution, Dorchester People for Peace, the New England Regional Black Nurses Association and the Concerned Black Men of Massachusetts. Matt served as the Director of Affirmative Action at the University of Massachusetts for over ten years before becoming a negotiation trainer and mediator with MWI and other ADR organizations.