John Bonin

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John Bonin has been a licensed real estate agent for more than 30 years and has worked in both commercial real estate and residential lending as a Mortgage Banker. Bonin received his formal education in Professional Real Estate at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (Canada), as well as his Bachelor of Science in Management Degree from the University of Phoenix.

Since 2004, he has been active in the Northern California Housing Counseling Network and provides trainings for Rural Community Assistance Corp, NeighborWorks America, other HUD intermediaries and State Housing Finance Agencies, and private mortgage banking organizations throughout the Western states on a broad range of topics, including legal issues relating to foreclosure, lending, credit counseling, credit scoring, compliance, and other mortgage related topics.

As an originator, Bonin has implemented many first-time buyer programs using California Housing Finance Agency funds, Mortgage Credit Certificates and city-sponsored silent seconds, and enhanced them to maximum value for homebuyers using creative layered financing techniques. He provides trainings throughout the U.S. on request.