Jayne Windham

Jayne Windham, CEO of Livable Housing, Inc. has over 20 years of professional experience in housing and community development programs, including construction oversight and compliance for a variety of publically-funded projects.

She has consulted on compliance issues for general contractors, large property management firms and mixed-use development projects. Ms. Windham previously worked as Deputy Director and Director of Housing for two community development corporations. Housing products developed by Ms. Windham include owneroccupied rehabilitation, acquisition and rehab for homeownership, lead-based paint hazard control, HUD Healthy Homes and scattered site acquisition for rental.

Ms. Windham is a consultant and faculty member for the NeighborWorks® Training Institute, developing and teaching courses in affordable housing, construction & rehab and healthy homes. She is a credentialed Healthy Homes Specialist, HOME certified TA provider, holds an unrestricted Massachusetts Construction supervisor license, and is licensed in lead-based paint compliance.. Ms. Windham holds a BS in Engineering Management, and has also worked in weatherization and as a construction project manager in the private sector. Her company, Livable Housing, Inc. is also one of the owners of Community Development Software LLC which now owns the Housing Developer Pro® and Neighborhood Survey Pro® software products.