Jason Webb

Jason Webb brings 30 years of experience in community revitalization, specializing in housing in his neighborhood of Roxbury, Boston. He serves as capacity building specialist at Grounded Solutions Network, where the mission is to cultivate communities—equitable, inclusive and rich in opportunity—by advancing affordable housing solutions that last for generations. Prior to his tenure with Grounded Solutions, he was community & capacity building associate at the National Community Land Trust Network.

Before that, Webb worked for 15 years for Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI) and Dudley Neighbors Inc. (DNI), serving in several roles including director of real estate and technology, director of DNI “The Community Land Trust,” and director of administration and finance. He oversaw the establishment of several community land trust developments, and created a youth development/youth jobs program called CommunityScapes. Over the years, this land stewardship and community outreach program has hired significant numbers of youth and young adults, including new immigrants and young people with criminal records. In addition, he played a significant role with DSNI’s internal technology capacity, as well as the use of technology innovations in the community building process.

Webb joined the DSNI staff after a long history of involvement as a dedicated resident volunteer, dating from the age of seven. He was a co-founder of Nubian Roots Youth Committee, and served on the boards of both DSNI and Dudley Neighbors, Inc.