Edward Sparkman


Edward Sparkman, Esquire, is currently in private practice, and focuses on the areas of bankruptcy, debtor-creditor relations, homeowner assistance, nonprofit corporations and community issues. He serves as a lecturer and presenter in these areas for legal associations, nonprofits and community groups, and has served as a consultant and instructor for NeighborWorks America in foreclosure intervention and counseling since March 2008.

Sparkman also serves as a senior pastor of the historic Shiloh Baptist Church in Philadelphia, where he has served for 20 years. In January 2018, he was elected to serve as the 12th President of Manna Bible Institute in Philadelphia. He was a staff attorney with Goldbeck, McCafferty and McKeever in their Bankruptcy, Foreclosure and Home Retention units from 2003-2005. Sparkman served as a federal Chapter 13 Standing trustee for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania for 16 years from 1987-2003. Prior to serving as trustee, he was a chief assistant city solicitor, serving as bankruptcy counsel for the City of Philadelphia for six years from 1981-1987. He also served as a staff attorney with Community Legal Services from 1978-1981.

Sparkman received his BA in political science from Howard University, his JD from Temple University School of Law and his Master of Divinity from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (now known as Palmer).