David Haiman

David is a principal and co-founder of Movement Matters. David's experience of over a decade in community organizing, fundraising, and non-profit management has helped Movement Matters to develop into an effective and dynamic capacity building organization.

Since Movement Matters' inception in 2007, David has brought his expertise to a variety of projects, including program, organizational and curriculum development, implementation and evaluation for local groups including the DC Employment Justice Center (DCEJC), the Youth Education Alliance (YEA), Tenants and Workers United (TWU), Community Bridges (Montgomery City) and Impact Silver Spring, as well as national groups including the Center for Progressive Leadership and NeighborWorks America. These projects have included Board development, deepening of organizational capacity for community organizing, development and refinement of leadership curricula, visioning and strategic planning for new program areas and direct skills training of staff.

David also serves as trainer and facilitator for groups ranging from NeighborWorks America to the Social Action and Leadership School for Activists (SALSA). He trains on a variety of topics related to community organizing and social justice, including developing cultural capacity, community organizing for policy change, leadership development and equitable community development. In addition to these training roles, David is also an adjunct faculty member at the Catholic University School of Social Work, where he teaches community organizing and provides site supervision for students doing their field study in community organizing.

David received his Masters Degree in social work and public policy from the University of Michigan, and was a community organizer through the VISTA program in the Phoenix, AZ, area. He is proficient in spoken and written Spanish.