Brenda Grauer

Brenda Grauer currently serves as Housing Policy Advisor and Assistant Attorney General for the Office of the Illinois Attorney General, where she operates a statewide Homeowner Helpline for consumers at risk of foreclosure. She is a HUD-approved reverse mortgage counselor and conducts trainings for housing counselors in the areas of pre-purchase, post-purchase, default, foreclosures and reverse mortgages.

An attorney for the past 13 years, Brenda has focused her career on the creation and preservation of affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate-income individuals. As senior attorney at the Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago’s Senior Housing Law Project, she represented hundreds of seniors facing the loss of their homes due to predatory lending practices. She conducted trainings for over 2500 homeowners, social service providers, attorneys and housing counselors throughout Illinois to identify and avoid abusive lenders, brokers and contractors and assisted in the drafting of Illinois’ High Cost Home Loan Act, a state anti-predatory lending initiative. Grauer is a graduate of Northwestern University and the University Of Illinois, College of Law, and is a member of the Illinois Bar Association.