Course Details

HO036 Counseling Rural Clients on Eviction and Foreclosure In Times of Crisis - Interactive Webinar Training

COVID-19 has created unprecedented challenges for families and communities across the U.S., and housing counselors are continuously working to help individuals and families maintain, or recover, stable and affordable housing. While some pandemic-related issues remain constant for all communities, rural areas face unique challenges. Therefore, housing counselors must be well-versed in standard COVID-19 responses and resources but also need to think broadly when it comes to supporting rural households who are faced with issues that may be different and difficult to solve. The primary focus of this course is eviction and foreclosure prevention during the COVID-19 crisis. This includes information on the CARES Act and other resources available to rural communities. The discussion will also examine other community development challenges unique to rural communities, such as limited internet access and its effect on education, unemployment applications, and job searches; difficulties related to childcare options; transportation access and safety; and obstacles to health and wellness.

This interactive, 90-minute, faculty-led webinar will help prepare counselors for difficult conversations and provide information on appropriate resources and solutions. The course will include resource materials, interactive polling and participant Q&A with faculty. A short quiz will open at the end of the session which you must pass to obtain the certificate of completion.

This course will provide 1.5 hours of NCHEC continuing education.

Course Length: 1/4 Days

Tuition: $115.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No