Course Details

ML240el Board Oversight and Governance

Looking to build a solid governance foundation and a shared language on your board? Interested in an online component to enhance your board orientation & on-boarding process? This online course is targeted to new and experienced board members. Participants will learn valuable governance essentials as well as new information and tools to perform as outstanding board members.

In this course you will learn:

  • Basic responsibilities of nonprofit boards and individual board members.
  • How to set up structures, including committees, that truly work.
  • Tools to build and maintain relationships among board members, the board chair, the executive director and staff.
  • How to measure the effectiveness of the board and the organization.
  • How to select, evaluate, support and, if necessary, replace the executive director.
  • The board development cycle, including succession planning.
  • How to recognize the importance of diversity and cultural competency in the functioning of an organization.
  • How to set the organization's mission and overall strategy, while including key stakeholders.
  • How to be an effective ambassador to the community.

Course Length: 1/2 Days

Tuition: $270.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes