Course Details

HO006 Avoiding Foreclosure: Building Competency in Housing Counseling - Interactive Webinar Training

Are you ready for the HUD counselor certification? All housing counselors at HUD-approved counseling agencies must obtain the Housing Counselor certification for continued HUD funding! This faculty-led webinar training to help refresh your knowledge and skills in avoiding foreclosure, one of the six major competencies emphasized in the HUD certification exam. This course will allow counselors to refresh their knowledge and skills in delinquency/eviction avoidance topics such as workflow processes, foreclosure law, and mitigation options. This faculty-led webinar training to help refresh your knowledge and skills in avoiding foreclosure, one of the six major competencies emphasized in the HUD certification exam. This course will allow counselors to refresh their knowledge and skills in delinquency/eviction avoidance topics such as workflow processes, foreclosure law, and mitigation options.

Course Length: 1/4 Days

Tuition: $115.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No