Course Details

AM351 Advanced Housing Asset Management (CHAM)

Advanced Housing Asset Management (AM351) is the final course needed to earn the Certified Housing Asset Manager designation. This class will bring together all the aspects of asset management covered through the CHAM curriculum and conclude with learners completing an asset management plan for one of their properties. This course takes place over a period of approximately 30 days in a combination of traditional classroom and online learning settings.

Part I will be taught in-person for three consecutive days in a classroom setting. Students will explore techniques for analyzing and managing portfolios of properties through exercises involving both case studies and analysis of their own organizations’ portfolios. Students will need to bring a laptop and will be sent materials to prepare a few weeks in advance.

In Part II, students will prepare an asset management plan for one of their properties that will be analyzed and presented in the context of their property portfolio. This part of the course will span about 30 days and will use remote learning strategies where participants will have the opportunity to schedule one-on-one coaching from the instructors on their property asset management plan. Each person will present a PowerPoint summary of their property asset management plan via video-conferencing to a group of fellow participants for peer and instructor feedback and insights.

At the conclusion of Part II, students seeking their CHAM designation will be prepared to submit their asset management plan for review and grading.

Course Length: 3 Days

Tuition: $1733.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes