Course Details

LE210 USDA Section 502 Direct Loan Application Packaging: Affordable Rural Homeownership

This three-day advanced course will cover USDA Rural Development’s Section 502 direct loan program and provide invaluable insight as to how this homeownership financing resource can be utilized in your communities. Learn how your organization can assist potential borrowers and work in partnership with RD staff in your state to deliver successful Section 502 loan packages. Through the course, designed for those experienced in using Section 502, participants will learn the regulations and practical applications of the loan program. Participants will develop a strong understanding of 502 direct underwriting and packaging standards, which will ensure that submitted loan dockets are complete and accessible for processing. Please bring a laptop to class. This advanced course is not open for those without experience in working with this program.

Course Length: 3 Days

Tuition: $825.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No