Course Details

HO385 Using Trauma-Informed Skills in Financial Coaching

Coming from many sources, trauma is a widespread and common experience that can have long-lasting effects on people’s behaviors and thoughts. Those effects can deter people from engaging and staying in financial coaching services. For people and communities faced with poverty, racism, and other chronic stressors, trauma may be more prevalent due to systemic and personal harms. Creating a trauma-informed environment in your financial coaching program increases inclusion – helping organizations to realize more equitable financial outcomes for people who have been impacted by toxic systems and face multiple barriers to financial well-being. A trauma-informed environment acknowledges how pervasive trauma is and consistently responds in ways that build safety and trust for clients throughout the program. This course will provide financial coaches with the knowledge, skills, and tools to be trauma-informed when working with clients in an immediate financial crisis or experiencing longer term financial insecurity. Financial coaches will practice the principles and practices of being healing-centered and how that approach aligns with the proven strategy of financial coaching in facilitating financial stability and well-being.

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $770.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No