Course Details

HO219 Advancing Homeownership for People of Color

This course is designed for housing counselors and coaches who work with prospective homeowners who have faced obstacles and barriers based primarily on their race. The focus of the course is to develop an understanding of the historical and structural challenges that have previously and continue to exist for members of all communities of color, and give insights into the emotional impacts of discriminatory practices on individuals who have experienced these challenges. Lecture, interactive exercises and group discussions are used to engage course participants to provide context and tools for their clients. Participants will learn innovative and successful techniques to provide support and actionable strategies to assist their clients in achieving homeownership. Who should attend this course: Counselors and coaches who serve clients facing struggles to achieve homeownership based primarily on issues of race.

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $770.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No