Data Explanations

Impact Map imageWe are deeply committed to ensuring accurate, reliable data. Below are the origins of various impact data points used throughout this website.

All data was gathered by NeighborWorks America staff from all NeighborWorks network organizations

Total individuals assisted with affordable housing and counseling 

This includes families receiving counseling services, homeowners created, preserved homeownership, homes repaired (rental and purchased), rental homes owned and/or managed as of the end of the fiscal year, and rental homes that were fee-developed, but not owned, by NeighborWorks network organizations.

Congressional appropriation leverage (national) or Grants leverage (state)

On the national level, Congressional appropriation leverage is calculated by dividing nationwide total reported investment by the total NeighborWorks America core appropriation. This excludes funds for other special initiatives administered by NeighborWorks America using federal dollars.

Jobs created and/or maintained

This calculation estimates the total jobs created and/or maintained by the NeighborWorks America organizations' activities. It combines the current full-time employee count from each organization with a modeled estimate of full-time employees created or supported in the overall economy as a result of NeighborWorks America organizations' activities, including new construction, rehabilitation and repair for residential and commercial developments, and sales of existing homes. 


The modeled estimates are generated using publicly available multipliers from National Association of Realtors, National Association of Home Builders, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Job estimates are represented here as full-time employees.


Customers counseled and/or educated

This is a sum of NeighborWorks America network clients given pre-purchase, post-purchase, and/or foreclosure counseling. It also includes financial management, fair housing, and predatory lending workshops.

Grants distributed from core appropriation

Grants received are from NeighborWorks America core appropriation funds only and does not include special program grants. 

Rental homes

This is the number of rental homes owned and/or managed by NeighborWorks America network organizations. 

Rental homes constructed, acquired and preserved

This is the number of rental homes that were constructed, acquired for new renters or with existing renters, refinanced to extend affordability, or rehabilitated by a NeighborWorks America network organization. This also includes rental homes developed with fee-for-service assistance, and rental homes rehabilitated with NSP funds. Units are allocated to the state in which the rental housing is located.

Homeowners preserved

Total number of clients for whom a NeighborWorks organization provided direct rehabilitation services, lending for rehabilitation, foreclosure mitigation counseling that resulted in retention of the home, refinancing, or a reverse mortgage. Like Homeowners created, clients are allocated to the state in which the client resides.

Homes repaired

This encompasses the number of owner-occupied homes repaired by NeighborWorks America organizations, where repairs are at least $100 and less than $2,000 for a given home. This number also includes a count of repaired rental homes owned and/or managed by a NeighborWorks America network organization where the organization made a repair of between $100 and $6,000.  


The data does not count routine maintenance activities in repaired homes. Note that any repairs that cost more than $2,000 (owner-occupied) or $6,000 (rental) are considered a home preservation. 


Total investment

Total investment is the sum of the total costs for:
  • Commercial real estate development 
  • Rental production (including repair) 
  • Real estate developed for sale 
  • The value of commercial loans made 
  • Total value of consumer loans made 
  • Total financing for homeownership (new and preserved, the latter including any costs related to foreclosure mitigation outcomes that retain the home, financing costs related to refinance, reverse and rehab) 
  • The cost of financial assistance and supportive services, which include resources to maintain residency, food security services, short-term housing, emergency rental and utility assistance, and other supportive services to provide housing, food, safety, or other necessities to individuals and families within the community  
  • The cost of special projects, which are small community improvements like community gardens, the cost of repairs of owner-occupied units, the costs of infrastructure investments (parking lots, street lighting, etc.), and costs associated with land banking.


Homeowners created

This is the number of clients where NeighborWorks America network organizations constructed a new home, sold a home in their portfolio, provided a mortgage for home purchase or served as counselor and/or facilitated a home purchase. Clients are allocated to the state in which the client resides.