Nebraska organization helps couple afford first home


Many jobs in rural northeast Nebraska are in manufacturing plants, including meat packing. Employees receive a steady paycheck, but often are unaware of programs that could help them become homeowners or renovate their existing home. That's why NeighborWorks Northeast Nebraska (NWNEN) staff frequently visit area employers, setting up informational booths in employee break rooms.

Through that effort, NWNEN staff met Pedro and Beatriz and—with the aid of an interpreter—helped them complete an application for services.

Pedro and Beatriz had identified a house that met their needs and would fit with their loan. NWNEN's housing manager inspected the house to make sure it met state standards and didn't need extensive rehab. To qualify for the organization's purchase/rehab/resell program, houses must require at least $2,000 of rehab and no more than $25,000. Their house required four inspections—electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, and insect; new shingles for the storage shed; installation of a handrail; insulated box sills; and clearance for lead-based paint. In other projects, NWNEN has included a new furnace, flooring, windows and concrete.

After the couple talked with the housing manager, NWNEN made an offer on behalf of Pedro and Beatriz. The offer was accepted and NWNEN purchased the home so it could do the necessary rehab. They signed a purchase agreement stating they would purchase the home from NWNEN when the rehab was complete.

During this rehab time, they were allowed to work on projects such as room painting. They also were given the opportunity to complete the required homebuyer education class offered monthly. After the rehab was completed, NWNEN sold the house to Pedro and Beatriz and loaned them the money for a down payment, up to $20,000.

An NWNEN interpreter attended all meetings with the couple, reviewing the rehab estimates, explaining the purchase agreement and going with them on the final, pre-purchase walk -through.

"The interpreter was very helpful," said Pedro. "We loved the program and would recommend it to our friends. The down-payment assistance made the house affordable."

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