Maria Garciaz celebrates 30 years of powerful progress


In 1982, Maria Garciaz began volunteering for NeighborWorks Salt Lake, an organization that focuses on homeownership services, community building and economic development. NeighborWorks Salt Lake also offers programs to help young people learn trade and work skills by building and revitalizing homes.

Four years later, Garciaz officially joined the staff of the organization, serving as the director of its YouthWorks program. She was named executive director of NeighborWorks Salt Lake City in 1990, and in 2016 she celebrated her 30th anniversary with the organization.

Garciaz earned a bachelor's of science degree from the University of Utah in political science and a master's degree in education from Utah State University. She also completed an executive program in community development at Harvard.

To share her thoughts on the field of community development and what keeps her going year after year, Garciaz responded to a few questions:

Q: How has the field of community development changed since you started? What are some of your big "ah ha" learnings?

The field has changed from focusing on weatherization and home improvement loans to comprehensive neighborhood revitalization. This encompasses a variety of strategies beyond housing, such as education, light rail and other infrastructure, and commercial development that enhances the tax base.

A major "ah ha" was the importance of formal resident leadership training, and placement of these leaders in key advisory committees, boards, local government and corporations to influence decisions that could benefit the communities we serve. Also, as a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization organization, we can pursue funding sources outside of housing such as the Department of Justice, drug and alcohol prevention funds, arts and trade associations, health departments, etc.

Q: What has gotten better as a result of NeighborWorks Salt Lake's work? What opportunities continue to keep you excited?

What has gotten better as a result of NWSL is our ability to facilitate difficult conversations about the concentration of poverty and low-income housing, as well as to educate others about the importance of mixed-income development and engaging diverse communities in neighborhood revitalization. What keeps me excited about this work is forming partnerships with organizations that might not otherwise become involved, such as technology firms, and seeing more young people and other diverse populations pursue employment with community development organizations.

Q: In what ways has NeighborWorks America impacted your career trajectory?

NeighborWorks America has been important in my ongoing training to build my skill set to more effectively serve the organization. It also offers access to some of the brightest and most highly skilled CEOs to offer guidance. NeighborWorks America has helped me leverage funding and enhanced my credibility with national funders.

Q: What advice would you give newbies in the community development field?

I would advise newbies in the community development field to not hesitate to find a mentor/coach in the NeighborWorks network to guide and support them. Many of my personal and organizational successes were achieved because of the support of network members and NeighborWorks America staff.

Q. What achievements are you most proud of?

NeighborWorks Salt Lake accomplishments are extensive. Here are just a few:
  • Deployed $28,000 in façade improvement grants and secured $90,000 in new program dollars for additional improvements for Westside businesses.
  • Graduated 45 students from our Westside Leadership Institute, resulting in $4,500 in project grants deployed in the community.
  • Operated a neighborhood-based program that provides youth ages 14-18 with hands-on, pre-employment and life-skills training. The average attendance was 86 percent and the mean grade was 74 percent.
  • Facilitated 120 home loans, leading to an investment of $11.5 million, and rehabilitated 10 real- estate-owned properties, valued at $2 million.

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