VISTAs help NeighborWorks 'work' across the country

We sponsor one of the nation's largest AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) programs. Since 2009, 700 VISTAs have completed a year of national service with NeighborWorks organizations across the country, doing their part to help alleviate poverty. Below, in their own words, three NeighborWorks America VISTAs share how their work is making a difference in their own lives as well as those of the people they serve.

LTSC Community Development Corp. — Los Angeles

My time at the Little Tokyo Service Center has been great since day one. In my past jobs, I was in corporate banking and I am now in a different world working with a nonprofit. Here at LTSC, I can see the results of my work immediately, as workshops are presented. I also had the opportunity to see how the corporate and nonprofit worlds can work together through my participation in the CRA Resource Exchange, a group of local organizations, financial institutions and foundations that meets on a frequent basis to discuss and exchange information regarding the community development needs of low- and moderate-income areas of Southern California. It was very informative to see the great work that other nonprofits in our area are doing, and it was gratifying to generate interest in LTSC's program.

Over the past three months, we have helped more than 40 residents through our workshops and one-on-one counseling. We have also surveyed residents to learn more about the interests and demographics of our clients. None of this would have been possible without multiple volunteers. I am excited to come to work every day to do real work with real-life results.
Stephanie Chen, AmeriCorps VISTA, 2015-2016

NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley — Woonsocket, RI

As a 9/11 remembrance and for a Friday service day, the VISTAs at NeighborWorks Blackstone continued a project started by the volunteers who came before us. The project was to improve the yard and garden space at a local art center. NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley staff and Community Builders-in-Residence helped the AmeriCorps VISTAs get the job done.

The fence was collaboratively painted in different shades of the rainbow. The colors continued onto the large rocks that border a path into the yard. Each VISTA hand painted rocks with fun quotes and little critters, matching the theme of the fence.  Fence pickets were decorated with sketches of bumblebees, grasshoppers and butterflies.

The art center teacher occasionally has children play "find the critters" throughout the backyard. When the kids were dropped off by the bus and played "I Spy" in the backyard of the art center, their smiles and laughter made our day complete. After the fence was finished, it attracted attention from local residents. We received positive feedback like, "Thank you, it looks great" and "I wish my fence looked as colorful as this." After seeing how inspirational this project was, I am sure there will be many more successful service days dedicated to improving the community.
Thuy Diem Nguyen, AmeriCorps VISTA, 2015-2016

The Neighborhood Developers — Chelsea, MA

One of the projects I have been working on at The Neighborhood Developers is building the pilot Career Ready 101 program to help low-income, non-native English speakers improve their reading and comprehension skills. The program uses self-guided computer modules to teach participants particular topics, and each student works at his or her own pace.

Although the project is still in its pilot phase, there has been a lot of excitement from community members about this new resource. Thus far, the students have shown great improvement; they report that all of the modules help them improve their English, and say they are able to speak with English speakers comfortably at work and on buses. This experience with Career Ready 101 has encouraged me to combine sociology and city planning in my studies, in hopes of better helping low-income people advance their education.
Ron Saintval, AmeriCorps VISTA, 2015-2016

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