Kevin Morris

Senior Vice President, Organizational Assessment
Morris planned on a career in private real estate development. But one day a very wise professor took him aside and told him he’d more quickly learn and experience the nuances of development in the nonprofit space than he ever could in the private sector. 

Looking back, Morris says the professor was “dead on,” and he’s never once regretted his career path. Today, Morris leads NeighborWorks' Organizational Assessment Division in measuring and monitoring the health of more than 240 network members.  He provides strategic direction to the division, including both financial and program analysts, which turns data into knowledge that accurately identifies risk and guides decision-making to improve the performance of the NeighborWorks network.

Morris says, “In my work, the thing that make me most happy is when I learnfrom a network organization that we’ve nailed the assessment, and they’re making changes and improvements to get better because of our accurate and timely diagnosis.”

Morris joined NeighborWorks in 2007 as a real estate management consultant assisting Midwestern nonprofits through development and asset-management services as well as grant making. He joined the Organizational Assessment Division in 2013 as the senior director, supervising a team of affordable housing practitioners in conducting onsite health assessments.

Prior to joining NeighborWorks, Kevin led the real estate development efforts of Community Housing of Wyandotte (CHWC), a Kansas City nonprofit and NeighborWorks network organization.  Kevin holds a Bachelor of Arts in biology from Baylor University and a master’s degree in urban planning from the University of Kansas.